Give Your Brain Power a Strategic Boost Would you like to improve your brain health? Have you ever thought about giving your brain a power boost? Some people consume “power drinks” to give themselves energy and keep them going. How would you give your brain a bit of energy? I am going to guess that […]
Grades tanking? Learn to understand and use the study cycle.
I would like to introduce you to the Study Cycle. Information on the study cycle is available in bits and pieces online, frequently in articles by colleges that discuss the steps of Preview, Attend Class, Review, Study, and Check, or some variation on that theme. For example, LSU provides this page: The particular method of […]
Easy ways to find self-motivation when you are tired, bored, and/or lost in school
Why Self-Motivation is So Important for a Successful Life Do you look at your assignments and find it hard to get to work? I know I had that problem. So did my classmates. I know this because we would be sitting together, talking about how we should have been doing our school work. Now that […]
Want an affirmation for success? Try “Failure is success in progress”
Have you ever wanted to beat your head against the wall in frustration? ARGHHHHHH!!!!!! You were typing a paper and the computer crashed. Maybe you needed to work on an assignment and Microsoft decided that was the perfect time to update its system, which took about half an hour, and then things did not work […]
Want to change a habit that you don’t like? These tips can help.
Unhealthy habits can be hard to break. Regardless of the habit, destructive behaviors keep you away from the life you desire. Here are ways to help you break an unhealthy habit. The things in your life that keep you from achieving your goals are rarely because other people are stopping you or putting obstacles in […]
You want to be more confident? You need to believe in yourself. Here’s how.
If you want to increase your confidence, you must believe in yourself. I frequently hear people say “I am not sure I can be successful in school.” Someone else may be saying, “I am not going to be successful in another job.” Others might say, “I cannot be successful in a relationship.” I am sure […]