Are you a parent who wants a degree but is uncertain of your skills? I am going to guess that you have a full- or part-time job and a family. You decided to enroll in college to earn the degree you have wanted to earn or gain the piece of paper that you have discovered […]
How do I find the motivation to study?
rely on habits for success
Learn to say “No”
Do you need to learn to say “No”? Do you find you are so busy doing someone else’s work that you do not have time to achieve your own goals? Do you find that you say “Yes” to people when they ask for your help? This then means that you do not always have the […]
How Chunking Your Time Makes You More Productive
Many students may be aware of the concept of chunking time, but, in my experience at least, few are familiar with the idea and few understand how chunking time can make someone more productive. Chunking time means that a task is being assigned to a designated short segment of time. That task, and only that […]
Do you hate or love To-Do lists?
Do you actually use any To-Do Lists? I have a love/hate relationship with my To-Do Lists, so I have started reading a short book by Damon Zahariades: To-Do List Formula. I had not gotten too far into the book when I realized he could teach me a few things about these lists, so I thought […]
Overwhelmed? Tips to stop feeling overwhelmed.
Yeah, yeah. I can hear the disbelief now. You have children and responsibilities and a job and laundry and meals and bills to pay and homework and a paper to write and a thousand and one other things that need to get done. You are overwhelmed by all that you think you need to do. […]