No one escapes difficult times in their lives. Whether we like it or not, our life challenges teach us the most. The ability to stay hopeful during those tough times though is a skill, and one that is well worth developing. Here is how to go about honing it in your life. 1. Accept the […]
How to control your emotions
As human beings, we are all susceptible to our emotions. That isn’t a bad thing at all; emotions are a part of life, and we should embrace them. If we did not have any emotions, we would not feel love or joy. How can you understand “up” if you do not understand “down”? How can […]
How do you can get back on track when life throws curve balls at you?
There is not doubt that life throws curve balls at us. Getting hit by a curve ball, or even multiple curve balls, day after day does not mean that you should give up on your goals and dreams. Sooner or later, the life does stop throwing those curve balls, if only for a little while. […]
Are you thinking downer thoughts about yourself again? Here are Tips for Removing Negativity from Your Life
This report includes powerful tips related to limiting negative self-talk. It also includes 3 actionable steps you can take right away to get started on limiting negative self-talk. TOP TIPS Most people have dealt with some sort of negativity their entire lives. Negative experiences start during childhood and continue throughout our adult lives. These experiences […]
Lower your stress and improve your health
If you improve your health, you can lower your stress I know you feel stressed out. I do not know anyone who likes to experience stress. Do you? We feel it during times of chaos and uncertainty. If we feel we don’t have control over a situation or we feel like things will never get […]
I am an introvert. Why do I need to talk in my college class?
Constructive contribution during class can help your grade Do you wonder why many (all??) of your teachers tell you that you need to talk more in class? Do you really wish you could slip into class unnoticed, take notes, pass the tests and assignments and then leave the class without making any ripples whatsoever? I […]