Why Self-Motivation is So Important for a Successful Life
Do you look at your assignments and find it hard to get to work?
I know I had that problem. So did my classmates. I know this because we would be sitting together, talking about how we should have been doing our school work.
Now that I have my degrees, I find myself doing this with details such as housekeeping.
You know those details: They are the things you know you need to do, but you just cannot get started.
This happens in other areas of life as well.
Do you want to be happier? Earn a degree? Feel more self-confident? Most people do. There is one thing that can help you achieve those goals: Self-motivation. If you have a hard time motivating yourself, how do you expect to achieve the goals that YOU set for yourself?
Are you tired of struggling with self-doubt and low motivation?
Are you a working parent who has doubts about having the skills necessary to return to school?
By the time you have finished reading this post, you should have some ideas how you can find some self-motivation to achieve your goals.
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My assignment checklist can help you remember the details.
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None of your goals would be acquired without a healthy sense of self-motivation, so whether you realize it or not, you’re probably pretty driven. According to Positive Psychology.com, self-motivation is “… the drive you have to work toward your goals, to put effort into self-development, and to achieve personal fulfillment.” Self-motivation is so important in life especially if you are engaged in online learning. Here are a few reasons why self-motivation is so powerful.
Self-Motivation Renders Self-Confidence

That voice in your head that used to say, “I think I can” is now saying “I know I can.” The more goals you set and attain for yourself, the more confident you will be regarding your capabilities. Believing that you can cope and can accomplish your goals is very important in a crisis and during other tough times.
You Are Who You Surround Yourself With
People tend to pick their friends based on certain characteristics they have in common. Few people would like to spend time with self-deprecating people who complain and pity themselves all the time. The self-confidence you generate is contagious and can lead you to rewarding, motivational friendships.
Self-Motivation Creates Goals
Sure, you’ve probably reached goals set by your superior – wowed your manager at a performance review or surpassed your client’s expectations. That’s wonderful, but what about your own goals? Self-motivation is goal-setting (and reaching!) from start to finish. It means coming up with goals for yourself, setting clear parameters and metrics for success, and then reaching those goals.
Face and Conquer Your Fears
People are afraid of many things: failure, losing, not knowing enough, the list goes on. When you instill an inspiration-driven mentality into your mind, you assure yourself that you can do it. You can surmount any mountain and conquer any obstacle because you have yourself. You are the owner of your own thoughts, so you are the CEO of your own life.
Self-Motivation Helps with Prioritization
When you have a lot on your plate, it’s hard to decide which responsibility to attack first. If your motivation comes from within, you likely have your own set of priorities – what you really want to focus on because you’re inspired to do it. You’ll go about your prioritization methods a little differently when you’re self-motivated…in the best way possible!
Self-motivation is a vehicle for success. Without it, you’d either 1) depend on others for inspiration and incentive to perform well or 2) never achieve your goals. Is it difficult at times? Yes. Is it possible? Absolutely. When you have a setback, don’t let yourself get down about it – push through and remind yourself that you can and will do it. New Year’s resolutions and other changes
How can you stay motivated when learning is online? In the classroom, you have a teacher to engage you in the subject and other students to socialize with. When it’s just you and your laptop, you’ll need to take charge of your experience. How to stop making excuses and start studying again
Have you ever lost points on an assignment because you forgot to do something?
My assignment checklist can help you remember the details.
Check it out! It is FREE!!!!
A few tips for you to develop a foolproof formula for staying motivated
Fortunately, you do have plenty of role models to learn from.
Even before the pandemic, more than 6 million students were enrolled in distance education and at least 77% of US corporations have incorporated it into their programs, according to the Online Learning Consortium.
Notice this. In a future job, you might be required to engage in online learning to keep your job or get promoted. Adapting to online learning now might help you big time in the future. The Internet is not going to disappear, and neither is online learning.
Find a balance that will enable you to continue your education while fulfilling your other responsibilities. Try the following tips for making learning effective and fun.

Staying Disciplined with Online Learning helps with Self-motivation:
- Set goals. Keep your purpose firmly in mind. Remember your main objectives, whether you want to finish a degree you started years ago or increase your appreciation for art.
- Plan your week. Block out time for your most important activities. Tackle demanding tasks during the hours when you’re usually at peak performance.
- Establish routines. Cutting down on daily decisions can make you more efficient. Adopt habits like doing your assigned readings one hour before bedtime.
- Limit distractions. Focus your attention on your studies. Keep your phone and TV turned off during school hours.
- Start small. Baby steps build momentum and make big projects seem less overwhelming. Break your work down into specific measurable tasks. You might spend a morning outlining your research paper or summarizing your notes.
- Dress up. Putting on good pants will probably make you more productive. Comb your hair even when you’re alone and off-camera.
- Perform reviews. Work on your study skills. Ongoing reviews of your class materials will help you to remember what you’ve studied and may help you earn higher grades.
- Take tests. Research shows that practice tests are one of the most effective ways to learn. Your teacher may provide them, or you can write your own.
- Create priorities. Respect your limits. If you’re adding coursework on top of your other responsibilities, give yourself adequate time for sleep and other essentials. Scratch some other items off your to-do list if possible.
Having Fun with Online Learning:
- Connect with others. You can still enjoy a sense of community while studying online. Ask your teacher about their communication preferences so you can stay in touch and ask questions. Participate in student chat rooms and virtual study groups.
- Decorate your space. Designate an area for your school activities with aesthetics and ergonomics in mind. Display your favorite photos or a green plant. Ensure that you can maintain correct posture while reading and typing.
- Reward yourself. Give yourself incentives to excel. Maybe you’ll want to order sushi for dinner each time you get an A. Maybe you’d like to spend an hour reading novels for each hour you spend solving math problems.
- Play games. Make your assignments more entertaining. Challenge your classmates to some friendly competition. Invent funny sentences and songs that help you to memorize dates and names.
- Take breaks. Building adequate downtime into each day will help you to reduce stress and achieve more. Take a ten-minute break each hour. Extend your lunch hour so you can go for a walk or lift weights.
- Share support. Ask your family and friends for the help you need. If your kids are attending school online, do your homework together. If your coworkers are signed up for the same course, stick around for a virtual happy hour or coffee date afterward.
Earn a degree online or use your time at home to deepen your knowledge about any subjects that interest you. Being able to self-motivate will help you to persevere and succeed in online learning.
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Have you ever lost points on an assignment because you forgot to do something?
My assignment checklist can help you remember the details.
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updated 16 December 2024