Have you wondered how you can study at home, with your children? You might find some of these tips to be helpful. Do you think that raising children and earning a degree cannot be done at the same time? The answer to the second question is the most positive YES! People do this all […]
Starting college after 30? Here are some things College-bound Adults might Need to Know
I happened to see a blog post with 20 Things all freshmen need to know as its title. I crossed out the All. The problem with many posts such as this is that they apply to students who are starting college directly after high school. You are an adult college-bound student. College-bound adult students need […]
I am an introvert. Why do I need to talk in my college class?
Constructive contribution during class can help your grade Do you wonder why many (all??) of your teachers tell you that you need to talk more in class? Do you really wish you could slip into class unnoticed, take notes, pass the tests and assignments and then leave the class without making any ripples whatsoever? I […]
Working parents: Are you afraid you can’t do well in college?
Are you a parent who wants a degree but is uncertain of your skills? I am going to guess that you have a full- or part-time job and a family. You decided to enroll in college to earn the degree you have wanted to earn or gain the piece of paper that you have discovered […]
How Chunking Your Time Makes You More Productive
Many students may be aware of the concept of chunking time, but, in my experience at least, few are familiar with the idea and few understand how chunking time can make someone more productive. Chunking time means that a task is being assigned to a designated short segment of time. That task, and only that […]
Why reading the instructions carefully before starting your college assignments is important.
Reading the instructions is a good study skill that can help you improve your grades!!! When you read instructions, you can get better grades because you have a better idea of what you need to do!!!! As adults, I suspect many of you have told co-workers, employees, or even family members to “Read the […]