How you view the world can affect the opportunities you see, your expectations, how you can develop an abundance mindset, and, ultimately, your results. I suspect you understand this, at some level, but I wonder if you realize how thoroughly this view can impact your life. Do you believe you can develop an abundance mindset? […]
Lower your stress and improve your health
If you improve your health, you can lower your stress I know you feel stressed out. I do not know anyone who likes to experience stress. Do you? We feel it during times of chaos and uncertainty. If we feel we don’t have control over a situation or we feel like things will never get […]
I am an introvert. Why do I need to talk in my college class?
Constructive contribution during class can help your grade Do you wonder why many (all??) of your teachers tell you that you need to talk more in class? Do you really wish you could slip into class unnoticed, take notes, pass the tests and assignments and then leave the class without making any ripples whatsoever? I […]
Did you forget what you started to work on 20 minutes ago? Goals help you focus.
Does the following scenario sound the least bit familiar to you? You’re working on a project, and you get distracted. Maybe it is your kids. It could be your phone. Maybe it is your fur baby. You brush off this distraction as a one-time deal, and you keep working. Minutes later, you’re distracted again. […]
How Chunking Your Time Makes You More Productive
Many students may be aware of the concept of chunking time, but, in my experience at least, few are familiar with the idea and few understand how chunking time can make someone more productive. Chunking time means that a task is being assigned to a designated short segment of time. That task, and only that […]
12 tips to help you develop the habit of positive thinking
Did you make any New Year’s resolutions? Why? Have you kept any of them? If not, why? I will guess that, regardless of the resolution, if you made any, you have a belief, at some level, that making certain changes will make you more satisfied. You want to be happier so you can have a […]