This is the continuation of the adult student version of 20 things college freshmen should know.
The original blog, written for the young people attending college right after high school can be found here.
My first blog on this can be found here.
Find a school club you find interesting and go to a meeting.
Volunteer. Get an internship. Find an on (or off) campus job.
One of these is a good idea, actually, but probably not for the reason you suspect. If you have a good idea, or even just a suspicion, about what you want to do after graduation, talking to other people in that field can be as important as earning your degree. In some cases, this can be MORE important.
I have known more than a handful of students who earned a degree then discovered the jobs were not what they thought they would be. While earning the degree was not a total waste of time, you do have a degree; remember, you would be happier if you could get an education in a field you enjoyed.
The other beneficial issue with finding an organization to join is that you can begin networking with other people.
School organizations frequently bring in outside guests and speakers. Getting to know people in your field and having them get to know you is valuable.
I realize that you do not have a lot of time, and joining a school organization or volunteering may be adding more to your plate than you can manage, but you might want to attend a few meetings, at least since this can be beneficial to your life after college.
Stay on campus.
This really is not an issue since you, most likely, have a home and family. If, for some reason, you do live on campus, you will make your decisions based on the reasons you ARE on campus.
Save your money.
If you have ever heard other parents, maybe even you, talk about how their college children cannot seem to save money, you will understand this point.

Your situation is different. You have a much better understanding of the need to save money than most 18 – 22-year-olds.
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You probably already know this. You really need some kind of exercise as you go to school because exercise does help with stress relief.
If nothing else, park your car at the far end of the parking lot and walk to classes. Even 15 minutes a day is good for you.
Become organized.

If you are an organized person anyway, this is not an issue. If you have not been known for your organizational skills, you really need to learn them to help with your time management.
Finishing your academic program can be done if you are disorganized, but it is a LOT less stressful if you develop good organization and time management skills.
This has the added benefit of demonstrating your skills for your children. Whether they seem to copy you now or not, you will be teaching them skills they might actually adopt later in life. Remember, your children will do what you do, not what you say.
Explore the city you are in.
Unless you have recently moved, this is probably not an issue. If you are new to the community, exploring it can be fun for the entire family.
Even if you know the community, maybe there are things you have never explored. Doing so as a family can create some great family time.
Study as hard as you party.
You might have been a party parent, but I suspect that, even if you were/are, you know when NOT to party. There are only so many hours in a day/week. What is also more likely is that you only have so much energy!!
College freshmen need to know that it is OKAY to not know anyone.
You will, most likely, be as nervous as any young person going to college for the first time. You will, probably, also worry that you will be “so much older” than your classmates.
That may not be true. Many adults are returning to the classroom. You are one of millions.
Besides, after a few weeks, students really do not care how old anyone is. Students worry more about understanding the lectures, the assignments, and passing tests.
You could be a green alien with purple spots, but your classmates will not care what you look like if you understand the material. They will also understand if you seek out classmates who understand what confuses you.
That is just how normal college student life works.
Never forget that it is okay to have some alone time.

This applies whether you are a student or not. You always need some alone time. This might be hard to accomplish at home, but maybe you can take some “Me-time” before or after classes.
Speaking of crowds, do not be intimidated by them.
Some people, regardless of age, get intimidated by large groups. If you are one of them, think about how you are in college, wanting to create a different, better life for yourself and your family.
Believe me when I tell you that a lot, a LOT, of your classmates may be as nervous in a large group/class as you are. See what you can do to take the lead and help your classmates, and you be more comfortable in those situations.
You do not need to become president of the student body, but you can become a little more comfortable. You would also be helping other classmates.
College is about creating yourself.
You might think that you already know who you are. That is true, up to a point.
You are creating a self with a degree and an education to have a better life for yourself and your family. That is NOT the kind of life you had before you started school.
What are your hopes and dreams for the life you want your educated self to be? You have a great opportunity to make some changes in how you see yourself. Please take advantage of them.
Last but not least, all college freshmen need to know that the most important part of college is to enjoy it!
As much as you will complain now, you will look back on the experience will fondness in years to come. The work you put in now will provide you with a great return on your investment – YOU. Enjoy being a college student. It is possible.
You might find some of my other blogs to be useful.
How do I stop feeling overwhelmed?
Do you want to improve your time management skills?
Ideas to help you improve your study skills.
6 easy ways to achieve your goals
Learning about the study cycle.
If you know someone who might find this helpful, please share this.
If you have any questions or comments, please leave me a comment.
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If there is something you would like me to discuss, or a question about college or study tips, hit that reply button and ask me. Let me know what information you would like to help you get closer to your academic goal. I may not know the answer, but I just might have the information you want and need.
Remember that you are supported, and you can do this!
Until next week,
Providing information and tools to help harried adult college students earn their degrees without losing their sanity.
Have you ever lost points on an assignment because you forgot to do something?
My assignment checklist can help you remember the details.
Check it out! It is FREE!!!!
updated 31 July 2023