How you view the world can affect the opportunities you see, your expectations, how you can develop an abundance mindset, and, ultimately, your results.
I suspect you understand this, at some level, but I wonder if you realize how thoroughly this view can impact your life. Do you believe you can develop an abundance mindset? You can, really you can. Read on.
You can choose to see the world as a place of abundance or a place of scarcity. One is certainly more optimistic than the other! Your view of the world is very different if you choose one over the other. Developing an abundance mindset means changing how you view your world. Yes, this can be done; it is not impossible.
An abundance mindset is hopeful, positive, and expects the best. It is also more altruistic since you believe that you’ll receive what you need. This attitude frees you up to do more for others since you are not worried that your needs will be met.
A scarcity mindset, on the other hand, leads to negativity and selfishness. You feel the need to look out for yourself, even at the expense of others. Think about this. When you are pushed for time, when the world seems to be against you, at least for that day, do you really think of ways to help someone else?
Have you noticed that when someone else seems frazzled, short on time, and anxious, that person is not likely to listen to suggestions from other people?

Viewing the world from a position of abundance has several positive effects on your life:
- An abundance mindset believes that there is plenty to go around. You believe there is plenty of money in the world, plenty of potential partners, and plenty of opportunities in general. When you think there is plenty, you do not worry if someone else has “more than I do”, right?
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- A scarcity mindset believes there is a limited supply of everything, and that someone else must lose for you to win. It is difficult with this mindset to think that everyone can win. It is possible. Not everyone wants exactly the same things you want. Oh, the statements may be the same, such as “I wish I had more money”, but that does not mean that everyone wants the same amount of money, for the same reasons, that you do.
- If you have more than one child How many times have you had to settle arguments when one child thinks that he or she is going to miss out on something simply because the other child gets something? If this happens with your children, I can guarantee that this happens with adults! Studying at home with children
- Life is easier with an abundance mindset. You believe that anything is possible. With that attitude, you’re willing to try, and you expect things will eventually go your way.
- If you have a scarcity mindset, you believe that life is difficult. You see success as being harder than it really is. You expect the worst and might convince yourself that it’s pointless to even try. It’s much more challenging to be successful with a scarcity mindset. You tend to give up before you even try. Do you know anyone like this?
Viewing the world with an abundance/positive mindset allows you to see more opportunities
- Opportunities are easier to see when you expect to find them. An abundance mindset makes opportunities more visible. Seek and ye shall find. Your expectations are often met in life.
- If you believe opportunities are scarce, you’ll struggle to find them. This is true even if they’re right in front of your face. If you do see an opportunity, you do not take it because you think there is a “catch” or somehow, the opportunity is “rigged” or a “trap”. Does that seem familiar at all?
- You take more risks with an abundance mindset. You believe the likelihood of success is greater, so you take more risks. The more you risk, the more you stand to gain. You also potentially have more to lose, but that’s part of the game. Those who are bold tend to outperform those that are timid.
- You are more likely to play it safe if you view the world from a position of scarcity. You’re more afraid of losing what you have since you believe it will be difficult to get it back.
Those with an abundance mindset are more relaxed.
- When you believe the world has everything you need, you can relax and enjoy life. You view the possibilities as endless. The overall viewpoint of your life is more positive.
- A scarcity mindset results in fear and pessimism. You believe you have to fight the world to get what you want and need. You have to protect what you have from loss. Your life is viewed negatively.Facing and overcoming adversity
Do you think your view of the world is one of abundance or scarcity? If you hold a scarcity mindset, it is worth trying another viewpoint on for size.

This is not something that is set in stone. You were not born with either mindset. You learned your mindset. Maybe a caretaker had a scarcity mindset and trained you to believe in scarcity.
Think of the phrase “Is the glass half empty or half full?” If you see the glass as being half-empty, you CAN learn to see it as half-full. There really is no difference in the amount in the glass. The difference is totally in the perception of the viewer. Think about this: 50% is 50%. The quantity is the same. The perception, however, is very different.
One of the best ways to start viewing the world with abundance is to give more. You can give money, your time, or give away a few of your possessions. Giving will enforce the idea that there is always enough to go around.
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Abundance will flow into your life if you allow it.
This really is YOUR choice. You can allow abundance and happiness, or you can block it. After holding an abundance mindset for a few months, contrast that with your previous experience with scarcity. Choose the one that works for you. 10 Tips to control your emotions
I have a few affirmations below you might want to adopt. Read them over and select one, or more, that seems to fit you now. You can always add another later.
These are examples. You can always develop an affirmation that fits your life and needs better than these do.

- My success is my responsibility.
- I know that I hold the key to success in my heart, mind, and soul. I embrace my inner drive and determination, and it is this drive that converts my efforts into achievements.
- I view obstacles as only temporary pauses in obtaining the success I am destined for.
- When I am confronted with a challenge, I stare it square in the eye. I wield my power over the challenge; it is unable to conquer me.
- The bravery with which I approach challenges is the tool that helps to erase any fears I may have at the onset. Winning is inevitable once I overcome those fears.
- I embrace my responsibility to ensure that each project I embark on yields positive results. I relish my role as the master of my efforts. I believe in my ability to persevere because I often experience successful outcomes after consistent effort.
- Today, my success is the focal point of my day-to-day exploits. Each situation I encounter reminds me of my part in reaching my goals. I happily go after every goal with the mindset that I deserve only the best and have what it takes to get it.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- How do I empower others to rely on their own abilities to turn situations around?
- Do I remain positive if I am unable to achieve success with something?
- When challenges seem difficult to bear, how can I allow others to help?
I make positive choices for the best of my body, mind, and soul.

- I am happier and more productive when I am healthier. For this reason, I make positive choices for the best of my body, mind, and spirit.
- I start by eating right. Even though it takes longer and may cost a little more, my body deserves quality foods that will help me be healthier, feel better, and even live a more prosperous life. I am a part of nature and I choose to eat as close to nature as possible, choosing whole, fresh foods whenever I can.
- I have let go of my craving for processed foods because I know cravings subside after a few short days of healthy eating.
- I also choose to exercise regularly. It does not have to be a formal program at the gym, but it can be something as simple as walking with my partner or children after dinner. I make a point of getting my body moving each day.
- I exercise my mind. Although there is nothing wrong with the occasional television show, I feed my mind primarily with books, programs, and discussions that allow me to learn and grow.
- I also nourish my soul with regular communion with a force larger than me. No matter how busy I am, I take a few minutes each day for prayer and meditation. I meet regularly with other spiritually-minded people because I know, together, we can help each other achieve greater depth and understanding.
Meditation does not have to be difficult or obscure. All you really need to do is take a few minutes for yourself, think about your breathing, and settle into calmness. I will discuss this later if my readers ask me about this.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- Am I taking the time to eat food that is good for my body?
- Have I fed my mind anything nutritious lately?
- Do I make time for prayer/communication with a higher authority and meditation?

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updated 12 March 2023