Did you make any New Year’s resolutions? Why? Have you kept any of them? If not, why? I will guess that, regardless of the resolution, if you made any, you have a belief, at some level, that making certain changes will make you more satisfied. You want to be happier so you can have a happier life, right? You believed that those changes, in some way, would make you happier.
What I am writing about today can be easier than maintaining those resolutions, whether they be made at New Year’s or any other time of the year. Why not start today?
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Micro-Habits You Can Start Today to be Positive for a Happier Life
Ask anyone what they desire in life, and more often than not, the answer comes back as some variation of “I want to be happier.” The pursuit of happiness has been around since time began; that topic has been discussed since the days of Plato and Socrates. What many articles do not discuss is how to be positive for a happier life. Today, I will share 7 habits and 5 ways you can be positive to develop a happier life.
Is happiness truly so hard to find? People seem to think it is, but is it really a difficult thing to find? Do you find it hard to be happy, really happy?
Thankfully, happiness is a lot simpler than most people think. By creating some new micro-habits in your life, not only will you be happier, but the people around you will likewise start feeling those same warm fuzzies. Are you interested in learning to be positive for a happier life?
Where do you begin?
Your life really is your choice; you can be more positive and have a happier life.

- Start your day off right. When you wake up, think of something for which you’re thankful. By beginning in gratitude, you set your mind in a positive place before you even get out of bed. Y0u can be grateful for small things. Being grateful is being grateful. The size of the item is not as important. This may be difficult for some but think about it. You CAN find something for which you are grateful. Your children might be that something.
- Follow-up with a morning routine that inspires. Listen to a podcast over breakfast, read a chapter out of an inspirational book, listen to music that makes your heart soar, take time for yoga or meditation. Embrace whatever you need to do to launch yourself into the day feeling upbeat and inspired.
I can hear the thoughts about your morning routine and trying to add something else to it.
You have a long list of reasons why you cannot adjust your morning routine.
I get that. The inspirational passages do not have to be long. I am not suggesting you read War and Peace or a textbook. You could just read a positive quote or an affirmation.
You might like using an affirmation if your mornings are somewhat chaotic. Before your feet hit the floor, take a moment to breathe, tell yourself that you are going to have a good day, and then begin your day, expecting to have a good day.
Find a motivational, uplifting affirmation and write it on an index card.
You have time to read one card.
Yes, I know life happens, but you will be surprised at how your attitude changes when you start looking at the more positive side of whatever happens than when you look at the negative. When you find yourself being more positive, you will discover you have a happier life.
“You get what you focus on, even if you do not want it.”
Leah Kraft Kristaine.
If all you look at is negative, why are you surprised that you keep getting the negative?
- Stay in the moment. Rather than get caught up in the trials and tribulations of the day, ask yourself where you are right now. Turn off the electronics and take a moment to breathe. Find that inner calm, and remind yourself that right now, right here, you are OK. Focus on what’s in front of you and let the future go.
- Listen more. By taking the time to listen to what someone else has to say, both of you benefit. Listening is what leads to genuine intimacy and deeper relationships, and makes the person doing the talking feel a surge of happiness of their own.
- Sharpen your saw. The old story goes that a man walking through the woods sees someone laboring mightily to cut down a tree. As he watches, he points out that the process would go much faster if the woodcutter were to sharpen his saw. The woodcutter replies, “I realize that, but I don’t have time to stop.” By stopping to sharpen your saw – resting and recharging – you’re capable of so much more later on. Take breaks that give energy back not only to your body but your mind.
- Hang around happy people. Have you noticed your attitude is impacted by the people around you? We’re affected deeply by the mood of those around us. By gravitating toward people who make us feel good, we help our mood. If others are happy, we tend to be happier. If the people around you are unhappy, you tend to be unhappy. Simply being around happier, positive people gives us a chance to be positive and have a happier life.
- Take care of yourself. It’s hard to feel happy if you’re not feeling well. Micro habits work particularly well here. Drink more water. Get up and stretch. Add more leafy greens to your diet. Whatever you choose, know that you’re benefiting more than your body; you are also benefiting your mind and your attitude.

There are many ways to find happiness.
While you may start with this list, be sure to explore ideas of your own. Remember, you don’t have to do great big sweeping things to change your attitude – just practicing small micro-habits is enough to change your life positively.
What if you are not feeling well? Do you feel kind of blah and wishing you had something better to say about the day than a mumbled “fine” when someone asks you how you are? The solution might be simpler than you think.

Your attitude is important
Our attitudes really are everything. When we’re not feeling great about our lives or how the day is going, everything can seem to go wrong. The problem is, life isn’t a steady thing. You might have one really good day followed by another equally bad. With so many things outside of your control from the weather to politics, it might seem impossible to ever truly feel good about anything.
The answer lies in your thinking. By being able to think positively, you will find your entire outlook changes.
How do you develop the habit of positive thinking?
- Rephrase
The obvious answer is to use more positive words. Instead of saying something negative, either out loud or in your head, try to find a better way to say things. For example, work isn’t grueling so much as it might have interesting challenges. While this might seem artificial and forced at first, the more you work to rephrase things, the easier it will be to find a more positive spin.
- Reframe
How many times have you talked about “having” to do something? This alone has a negative connotation, as though you’re being forced into something you don’t want to do. Instead of trying to drop the word “have” in this context, and try inserting “get” instead. You don’t have to do a presentation by Friday. You get to do one. Hear the difference? Do you feel the difference? This is how you change a task into an opportunity.
- Reorient
Sure, disasters are going to happen. Not everything you attempt is going to turn out exactly the way you’d like it to. Rather than focus on the disaster, try changing your focus. It might be time to shift to a slightly different method or goal.
- Relax
It’s so hard to be positive when you’re absolutely exhausted and feeling like you’re in over your head. Sometimes the best way to cultivate better self-talk is to cut yourself some slack and take a break. Things will look brighter when you can come back refreshed.
- Reassess
Being positive should never be about closing your eyes to tragedy or injustice. Bad things are going to happen in the world. Someone with a positive attitude will be able to look beyond the tragedy to the next step. Positivity finds solutions where others only see problems.
Being positive is the birth of activism and change. Being positive helps you be happier.
Think about it. How has your life been when you are negative about what is happening? Being positive just means looking at issues from a different perspective.

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updated 10 December 2022