No one escapes difficult times in their lives. Whether we like it or not, our life challenges teach us the most. The ability to stay hopeful during those tough times though is a skill, and one that is well worth developing. Here is how to go about honing it in your life.
1. Accept the challenge for what it is
If you have been hit broadside with a difficulty that has left you negative, the worst thing you can do is try to ignore that it’s there. By acknowledging the problem, you can deal with it head-on and find a solution. Start by asking yourself if the issue is something you can change. If so, then it is time to make a game plan. If not? Then learn how to live with the new status quo, rather than wasting time and energy fighting it.
2. Ask yourself what you can learn from this experience
By seeking out the lessons to be learned, you can calmly face the problem and stay hopeful during tough times and for the future. Discover what you can about the situation, learn and then move on. You spend a lot of energy trying to hide something that is bothering you. You find that facing the issue, in the long run, makes you stronger.

3. Revisit the past
You have been through tough times before. Think back to them to remind yourself that challenges do not last forever. Hope springs up from the knowledge that you have gotten through tough times before.
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4. Record the experience
Blogging, journaling, or recording what is going on helps you to process the experience and find creative solutions. When we get things out of our heads, we are able to deal with problems logically rather than emotionally. Looking back at this record becomes a powerful experience of your progress, which offers hope. When you write about your experiences and thoughts, you might begin to see patterns. Once you recognize a negative theme, you can start doing things to make changes that will eliminate, or lessen, that negativity.
5. Laugh
Even if you do not feel like it initially, the act of laughing changes moods. Hopelessness does not stand a chance against a good belly laugh. The fun thing about laughter is, once you start, it is hard to stop. You can even fake it until you make it with laughter. It will lighten your mood and help you see solutions that were not there before. If you are laughing, you will find it difficult to fill your head with negative self-talk.
6. Choose Happiness
Much of our life can be performing “shoulds” if we let it. In this case, ask yourself if doing the “right thing” means doing the thing that is best for you? As long as it won’t hurt others, make the choice that will create happiness in your life. Decide that you are going to face discomfort but work to achieve your goals and make you happier.
7. Make sure you are making healthy choices.
Sure, it might help to have some “comfort foods” but do not overindulge. After a while, those foods can drain you and you might physically not be as ready to deal with whatever you have to face. Getting more exercise also helps. Simply getting out in nature and taking a long walk can help improve your view.
8. Build a support group
It is difficult to be hopeful during tough times when you are alone. Trying to manage tough times alone is a sure recipe for fostering hopelessness. Gather people around you who make you feel hopeful just by being with them. By spending time with positive people, their hopefulness will quickly become your own.
You can also alleviate some of the stress you feel by realizing that other people have faced some of the same issues you face. Many times, you can find comfort and strength in talking to trusted friends and family members. If you do not think anyone you know would understand, have you thought about reading about the struggles that other people encounter?
Did you know that successful people deal with adversity? It is true. Everyone faces adversity; some people hide it better while other people just manage it better. If you read the stories or profiles of most successful people, you will be surprised at just how adverse their situations were. They often tell their stories for others to learn and use to overcome adversity.
9. Read the profiles of successful people.
Knowing that others have faced some of the same, or worse, issues than you have can help you manage your stress level. These stories contain gems of information and can act as a resource for everyone else. The story is one aspect of reading about them. However, learning how others remained hopeful during tough times is often a source of inspiration. When you become inspired, you increase your chances of dealing with your problems.
Inspiration does not last forever, unfortunately. You need to reinforce the message. If you can, try to set aside time to read one story of a successful person every month. It will help you with your inspiration, and it will feed ideas on how to use their stories to make your life easier or better.
The stories of some people are dated. However, their techniques may be timeless. A perfect example of this is Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People. His techniques, however, are as valid today as they were back then.
Take action
You can read all about the stories of successful people and get inspired; however, if you do not take action, having all the information or all the “right” answers will be of little help to you. At that point, you become nothing more than a dreamer. Having dreams is good, but you need to make sure you take action on those dreams.
Reading the stories of successful people shows that they are just like the rest of us. There isn’t anything superhuman about them that led them to their successes. You will find a common theme among those facing adversity. They were persistent and kept a positive attitude. Those two attributes will take you far when facing any situation.
You can choose to read stories online or find material in your local library. You can also choose to find stories on the internet. Be careful of the resources you find online. Anyone can publish whatever they like and sound convincing on their authority. Make sure you check the resources and keep a critical eye out for people who do not present qualified information.
When you get in the habit of reading material about successful people, you will shift to a successful mindset yourself. You will have a memory bank of stories to draw inspiration so that you, too, can become hopeful during tough situations.

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Updated 11 January 2023