Have you spent too much time like this?

Do the normal “Oops” moments of life get you off-track and not in the mood to study?
Do you sometimes find it difficult to find the motivation to study?
How many times do you look for excuses not to study?
Do you rationalize why you are not studying?
Do you have a hard time finding “quiet” moments to study?
Have you ever lost points on an assignment because you forgot to do something?
My assignment checklist can help you remember the details.
Check it out! It is FREE!!!!
These things happen to every student I have ever known. They have happened to me, as a student and a teacher. I suggest the idea that repetition and its cousin, habit development, are some really, really good friends if you want to earn good grades or do well on that project that you keep delaying. Habit and repetition can be useful tools to help you find motivation to do whatever task you are putting off.
“We have more ability than willpower,
and it is often an excuse to ourselves
that we imagine that things are impossible.”
Francois de la Rochefoucauld
I am sure the words “But, but, …” have exited your mouth at some point. I am also sure many of you have thought that, at least once a week.
Life happens. There is no getting around that. As much as you might plan, there is going to be a surprise in your schedule at some point.
The “Oops” moment
“Oops” moments are rarely fatal.

You start the day or the evening, or whatever, with good intentions, something unexpected happened and then, hours later, you remember all the things you intended to do but forgot. You might even remember something you HAD to do but forgot. I am sure you have been there at least once this month. I know I have. How successful you are, at least according to what I have been reading, depends not on your will power or your “want to”, but on your habits.
Habits can be useful. Use them to start studying.
Once something gets into a pattern, we humans tend to see that pattern as normal and address it. If the pattern is strong enough, we even feel uncomfortable when we do not do it. Sometimes, we feel uncomfortable because we are not sure if we have done it. Have you ever had a few moments of concern about whether you brushed your teeth that morning? Have you ever gotten in the car, driven off, and then returned home to make sure you locked the door?
Repetition can be a friend, or it can be an enemy
Once we break a habit or a frequently repeated routine, it becomes a bit easier to break the habit/routine again. And again, and again…. Until the routine/habit no longer exists.
This applies to your studies. Granted, there are very reasonable reasons not to follow one’s scheduled routine. Plumbing issues need to be addressed. A child is sick. Others are sick at work and you work more hours. The issue, however, is how you respond to that break in the schedule. Do you do what you can to attend to the issue, in this case, find a study period that is unscheduled, but will get you back on schedule, or do you use the circumstance to “take a day off”?
One day is not a problem. The issue is if you make that two days, then three, then…..
You get the idea.
Many people, me included, could very easily say, “I will do this later”. Who, however, knows, when “later” will come? That is not a part of my schedule. I do not have “later” included in my weekly planner.
Have you ever lost points on an assignment because you forgot to do something?
My assignment checklist can help you remember the details.
Check it out! It is FREE!!!!
Think of good options, not guilt
I am not saying that you should feel guilty about having to change the schedule for unexpected circumstances. I am, however, suggesting that you need to think about your reactions to those circumstances. If you missed your episode of Netflix or your daily dose of social media, you would, most likely, make a point of getting back on track. Would you do the same thing with your studies?
This applies to success in life, whether academic or not. If you have a goal, but can easily get side-tracked, then you will never achieve your goal and you might blame “circumstances”. Life happens; we all know that. One of the keys to your success is how you respond once you have been thrown that curve ball.
You possess the ability to change your life. Starting to study will do this.

You can change your schedule to get back into Netflix, or whatever, so you can also change your schedule to get back into studying. What you do reflects your priorities. If you find yourself saying “but, but, but….”, trying to explain why you did not complete your study for the week, I would ask you why not.
Isn’t getting your degree a priority? When you watch Netflix, you are demonstrating to yourself and others that vegging out on some program is more important than your education and what that education can do for your future. Relaxing and taking a break is one thing. Watching a movie or binge-watching a series of programs suggests that these programs are a priority of yours.
What is important to you?
What is more important to you? If you are more interested in catching up with your latest show than you are with your classes, I would suggest you have a long conversation with yourself. Why get into debt and add the stress of school if you really do not see a point in doing your schoolwork?
At this point, you need to have a long conversation with yourself about what you say you want versus what you are actually doing. Maybe you are afraid you will not do well in school. Maybe you are afraid you will do well in school. Are you afraid of something else? You owe it to yourself to figure out why you are not treating your studies as if they are important to you.
If you really want the degree, you really should be shifting your priorities. If you have a conflict, this does need to be addressed. I would strongly suggest you contact someone you trust and your academic advisor and discuss the situation before you get so behind that you give up.
Does that make sense?
If so, you might like my blog on improving your time management skills here: https://olderstudentscanlearnnewskills.com/improve-time-management-skills/
You might also like this YouTube video about how to start doing something NOW when you really are not in the mood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oWOsocN7qg
There is a bit of a commercial at the end of that video, but you might be interested.
I will leave you with this quote to think about:
Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard
than anyone else expects of you.
Never excuse yourself.
Henry Ward Beecher
If you are still reading, I really appreciate that. Thank you. If you found this helpful, please share it and/or make a comment and let me know what resonated with you.
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Have you ever lost points on an assignment because you forgot to do something?
My assignment checklist can help you remember the details. Check it out! It is FREE!!!!
Updated 22 December 2022